We have a number of services geared toward actors personal projects, jobs booked on your own that you are expected to record yourself, or the daily auditions that need to be sent in. These services are offered at reduced rates, but come with some restrictions depending on the service that is needed.
Are you working on a personal project and need a little extra help getting some final items recorded, and the closet just won't cut it this time. Explain what you are up to and we’ll see if we can help. This is likely going to be more costly than the actor rate, but with so many people doing great projects on their own, we want to encourage and be part of this segment of creativity.
Voiceover Auditions
At this time our pre-pandemic audition service is not operating as it was. Artt Butler isn’t doing coaching at the moment. As things change this may also change, but how that will look in the coming months is yet to be determined.
For the time being we can record auditions on a limited basis with one of our engineers as our schedule allows. The will be the same as the Actor services rate of $50 per half hour. That is total time, so auditions would be split into 15 to 20 minutes to record and 10 or 15 minutes for our engineers to edit and send.
We offer reduced rate recording services to the voiceover community to cover a variety of needs such as:
Accepting a job that otherwise wouldn’t make sense to accept because the client expects you have a home studio.
You have a home studio, but for whatever reason is not usable. (moving, construction, tech problems..etc )
You don’t have the ability for a remote connection ( Source-connect, skype, zoom, etc.)
To record for your own personal project.
or any other reason not listed.
Actor rates for recording is $80 per hour with a half hour minimum. We book session time in 30 minute increments. The time booked is considered the session time and will be billed in full and due at the end of the session. Services included are:
Simple recording with an engineer
Engineer assigned is based on who is available and subject to change. Engineers have different skill levels, some fast some, less so. Be prepared for a variance in cost based on the engineers experience.
ipDTL or Source-Connect Now or similar
Phone Patch, and Skype.
Very Light editing including removing stumbles and pickups to create a complete take is included, however combining takes from selects or more complex editing and or preparing the final delivery for the client is not considered part of this service. Delivered files will be a single consolidated take or split takes that can be determined during or after the session and must be completed within the time booked. Any additional time needed for editing or uploading will be billed for past the booked recording time.
Files will be delivered using an email link via the file service we use ( currently Filemail ) or uploaded to a service of choice by the actor or client. Files are always recorded in 24bit/48k wav, but can be delivered in any format required. Conference calls are permitted with advance notice so we may distribute dial-in information. It is recommended that the actor obtain contact information for the clients as connection details are subject to change after the session is booked as our internal schedule changes frequently.
The following limitations on service are as follows and is subject to change:
Use of video for timing or reference is not included.
Clients present during recording is also not permitted.
Printing of scripts or other materials, be prepared to bring your own.
We reserve the right to make changes to these policies at any time if we feel it is being taken advantage of.
Self service Booth
A recent addition to our services is a self-recording booth for actors to record on their own or for private coaching rental. The booth is 4 feet by 6 feet internally with a standing desk and plenty of room to work in. Currently the booth is setup for self recording with Pro Tools and Twisted Wave and can accommodate skype and Source-Connect Now or ipDTL if needed. Please read the booth disclaimer for the services provided and expectations for the self service booth. Payment for use of the self service booth is taken before you leave unless otherwise noted below.
Below are rates to use the self-service booth.
Audiobook recording - $20 hour
10 hour minimum for audiobook rate
Invoice can be sent once book is finished and billed on a net 60 basis
Engineering assistance available for $40 per half hour ( see disclaimer for details )
General Self recording - $25/hr
Bring your own engineer or working with a coach - $50/hr
Source-Connect available on request - $50/hr
Session time booked on behalf of a company which is to be invoiced will be billed at a $50/hr minimum or based on specific requirements. Please inquire if this is the case.